Thursday, November 08, 2007

What's the status of the Cheney impeachment resolution?

The resolution called for impeachment hearings on Vice President Dick Cheney has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee where it is expected to die a slow death. But will it?
Vice President Dick Cheney: the most subversive political villain of our time was let off the hook yesterday and the Democrats did all of the heavy lifting to make it happen. Dick Cheney: a man who has proudly committed innumerable high crimes, among them a trillion dollar fraud perpetrated upon the American people and the world -- a fraud which has resulted in nearly 30,000 American casualties and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi casualties. And now he's trying it again with Iran.

And there's this:
But wouldn't it be nice if the whole thing backfired -- if millions of people let their lawmakers know that they support impeaching Darth Cheney and the Repubs' whole procedural game backfired. After all, the only thing that makes the move to impeach a marginal idea is the fact that the traditional media keeps telling us it is. If the notion that lying about a blow-job was a grave offense worthy of impeaching a duly-elected president of the United States could gain traction, surely the idea that lying the country into a disastrous and illegal war can't wouldn't be that hard to sell.

Today, Kucinich's resolution, and the millions of Americans who support impeachment, are being marginalized from all sides. CBS is running a column today lumping impeachment in with a belief that UFOs are frequent visitors -- 'it's crazy,' they say -- and the Huffington Post features a piece by Gold Star Mother Rosemary Palmer accusing Kucinich of gamesmanship and chiding him for seeking "vengeance" (an argument one never hears for letting lesser crimes go unpunished).
Keep your fingers crossed.