Thursday, April 06, 2006

Is science at fault

Rory O'Conner, writing at Alternet, criticizes some on the right side of the blogoshpere for their attacks on Jill Carroll, the freelance journalist recently released after being held in Iraq by kidnappers for 82 days.
The mugging of Jill Carroll by the pathetic likes of John Podhoretz, Don Imus and the rest of their wingnut cohort from the right side of the blogosphere makes me sick. How dare these misguided, ill-informed armchair analysts unleash their barrage of criticism accusing Carroll of showing "too much sympathy for her kidnappers?"

Have they no shame now? They certainly should, after accusing the 28-year-old Christian Science Monitor correspondent of, at best, a "Stockholm Syndrome" identification with her tormentors, and, at worst, treason?
Perhaps they attack her because of the name of the newspaper. After all, we know how their leader feels about any kind of science.