A must read
Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush by Eric Boehlert
Exerpt from BuzzFlash review:
Exerpt from BuzzFlash review:
Eric Boehlert, in his must read new book "Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush," begins his book with this lamentable irony. Bob Woodward, one of the heroes of exposing "Watergate," has now become the role model of the Bush-GOP protective press corps that prevents the exposure of current scandals. In fact, Woodward sat on vital information relating to the Valerie Plame case for two years before he was forced to disclose that he was told about Plame before other reporters.
But it took a federal prosecutor to pry this information from Woodward. Boehlert quotes a media observer as calling it "Watergate in reverse."