Thursday, May 04, 2006

Moussaoui gets life

Cooler heads prevailed and the alleged 20th 9/11 bomber Zacarias Moussaoui was given a life sentence. Prosecuters were seeking a death penalty.

After the judge had left the courtroom, Moussaoui thrust his fists in the air and shouted: "America, you lost, you lost! Novak, I won!" He was referring to one of the prosecuters, David J. Novak.

The jury said the prosecution did not prove a case for the death penalty.

Did Moussaui really win? Had he been put to death he would have been a martyr to his twisted cause and would be met in Heaven by a covy of virgins.

As it stands now he will spend the rest of his life at the federal maximum security prison in Colorado locked in his cell for 23 hours each day with no contact with others.

From where we sit, that's an appropriate sentence.