Sunday, July 16, 2006

Specter shows true self

For all his bluster against the Bush White House policies on spying on Americans, Sen. Arlen Specter is nothing more than a impotent blow hard, bowing down to the Bushites at every opportunity.

This is evidenced by his recent fight with the White House over the illegal eavesdropping on U.S. citizens by the NSA. Sure, it looks like the Bushites backed down on their assertion that the Feckless Leader has unlimited wartime powers, but what about the deal to go to the FISA court?

According to this by Time Magazine's Massimo Calabresi:
However the specific agreement to have the program reviewed by the court, Specter and Gonzales said, is not actually written into the bill, and is valid only if the bill makes it through the House and Senate unaltered. The deal also requires in writing twice-yearly reports to the congressional intelligence committees on "any electronic surveillance programs in effect." And it would also give the Administration more time to apply for warrants retroactively after an emergency eavesdropping operation has already begun.
Sounds like a real tough deal for the Bushites, eh?

If Specter keeps this up, it won't be much longer before Bush has complete dictatorial powers handed to him by cowards like Specter.


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