Monday, April 07, 2008

These Folks Call Themselves Christians?

Picture this: an elementary school in Wisconsin has a tradition called Wacky Week where the students dress up in costumes all week. One day the students can opt to dress up as an older person or a member of the opposite sex - boy could dress as girls, or girls could dress as boys.

Just some good clean fun, right?

Wrong. At least in the eyes of a group called the Voice of Christian Youth America. It Seems these wackos fit right in with Wacky Week.

Here's what they had to say:

"We believe it's the wrong message to send to elementary students," said Jim Schneider, the network's program director. "Our station is one that promotes traditional family values. It concerns us when a school district strikes at the heart and core of the Biblical values. To promote this to elementary-school students is a great error."
Can someone please explain to us what "traditional family value" says elementary school kids can't dress up for fun? And what alleged Biblical value is being violated?

Hell, what are Biblical values, anyway?

Oh, and get this:

"We became aware of this from constituents in your area. Anything that concerns the populace is important enough to talk about," Eliason said. "This is tax-funded� This is not a dress-up party in somebody's house. There are parents, taxpayers who do not appreciate the imposition of a particular lifestyle being portrayed as a normal lifestyle for the kids."
What lifestyle are they talking about? Do they imagine there is a secret cabal of cross-dressing school administrators in Reedsburg, WI, trying to warp children's minds?

We bet the kids had no idea what a cross-dresser was until the meddling Christians got their panties in a wad.


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