Monday, September 11, 2006

Remember This

From BuzzFlash: Things to remember from the video of Bush sitting in the classroom after being told that the country was under attack:
  • That Bush is a pawn and unable to act decisively until his handlers tell him what to do and hand him a script.

  • That he put at risk the children and adults at Booker School by staying in the classroom, even though he might, the White House claimed, have been a target of the terrorist attacks that day.

  • That he calmly listened to a pet goat story and complimented the children on their reading skills as Americans and foreigners burned alive or jumped to their deaths from the twin towers.

  • That he did not ask a question of Andrew Card or seek any further information on the terrorist attack on America until his handlers had decided FOR him what he should do.

  • That he showed the chronic lack of leadership that has characterized his entire life, the scion of a family who are brand names that other forces use to advance an anti-American, Neo-Confederate, plutocratic, fundamentalist religious agenda. He cannot act on his own.

  • That he chose to continue a photo-op with black children designed to give him the image of a "compassionate conservative" concerned about education for even black kids was more important than the national security of the United States.

These are the things that should be remembered in history books.


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